Northeast Dragon Boat Challenge logo



There are many ways to get involved in the Northeast Dragon Boat Challenge. Presently, we are recruiting volunteers for a variety of duties.  If interested, please email Chris at

Volunteer Duties
Day Prior Set Up Prepare site with tents, signage, etc.
Day of Festival Set Up Tables, stations, activity areas, performance areas
General Helpers Overall assistance throughout the day
Parking Attendants Greeters, general directions, assisting participants
Dock Hands Loading, unloading, marshalling, check wristbands
Gathering Areas Keeping paddles and life jackets organized and areas clean of debris
Volunteer Center Check-in, rosters and schedules
Information booth Greeters and general questions about festival
Team Registration Tent assignments, check-in
Site Maintenance Maintain cleanliness in all areas of the Festival site
Dragon Ceremony Keep area clear during ceremony and clean up after
Race Result Runners Delivering results from timing tent
Opening and Closing Ceremonies Helping with set up and the awarding of medals
End of the Festival Cleanup End of the day cleanup of tents, signage, trash, etc.